Suite 425 – 268 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC
SUM gallery came to BCA’s space in the Sun Wah Centre as a partnership with Full Circle First Nations Performance, the Vancouver Indigenous Media Arts Festival, and multimedia titan Paul Wong’s On Main Gallery. We populate the empty 4th floor, previously left in shell condition since the 1980’s when it was built.
SUM takes its name from the traditional round Dim Sum 點心 window that illuminates its office. The reference is multilayered: it’s an homage to the Pearl River Delta immigrants who settled Vancouver’s historic Chinatown, as Sum (心) means heart in their dialect; the 心 character is incorporated in many Chinese terms for queer people; SUM = summation (∑), the sum of the parts, sum total, 2SLGBTQ+
Our address is 268 Keefer St, between Main St and Gore Ave.
The gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday from 12 – 6pm during exhibitions. The gallery is closed on Sundays, Mondays and stat holidays.