AGM announcement

This will serve as official notification to Pride in Art Society members of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting to be held on TUESDAY APRIL 30, 2013 at the Roundhouse Community Centre, Room B, 181 Roundhouse Mews (Pacific and Davie). 7pm.
Exciting festival updates, sizzling financial reports, and getting down to official business! (last year there was candles, wine, chocolate and cheese… which is why some people said it was the most romantic AGM ever!)
Attendance at the AGM is a key factor to some of our funders, so you can help support queer art in Vancouver just by coming to a party (with a little bit of meeting thrown in). Come hear about the new developments at Pride in Art, including what’s around the corner for our 2013 Queer Arts Festival, TransgressionNow.
Membership renewal and sign-up 7:00-7:15
Reports and election of the board 7:15-8:00
Party 8:00-9:00
Hope to see you there!
Writing Workshop with Amber Dawn
TONIGHT, Friday April 12th, is the launch party of Amber Dawn’s latest book, “How Poetry Saved My Life: A Hustler’s Memoir.” If you can go, you should! Check it out. If you can’t make it, after feeling sorry for yourself you can purchase the book online… and you can also look forward to her writing workshop and literary event at this year’s QAF!

“Tough Language & Tender Wisdoms: A Memoir Writing Workshop for Trangressive Voices”
This workshop invites participants to write under-told and boundary-pushing stories from their personal experience, and to develop strategies to creating safe and celebratory spaces for these stories to be heard.
Whether participants are interested in formally writing their memoirs or writing is a part of self-discovery, this workshop will offer foundational memoir writing exercises. Participants should come prepared to share, listen and take risks.
Amber will also be hosting an literary evening of reading from her new book, along with one or two other exceptional authors, with a discussion on telling “uncommon truths” and existing in unconventional queer communities. More details on this event to come.
Deadline to submit to PiA Community Art Show is May 1st!
The Queer Arts Festival is happy to again present the Pride in Art Community Show. In the Great Hall of the Roundhouse, outside the main Exhibition Hall, the PiA Community Show will exhibit visual art works by queer artists in any medium for the duration of the festival, July 24 – August 9.Queer Fruit

Thanks to our partnership with The Cultch and IGNITE!, we get to pluck the hottest young artists from the FRUIT BASKET to participate in a six-week project, developing a show for the Queer Arts Festival, where the youth will explore themes of sex and gender.Think performance art meets indie rock spiced with Burlesque dancers interjected with slam poetry. FRUIT FLAMBÉ will run July 29 & 30, 2013.
To get a sneak peek of this emerging talent, FRUIT BASKET happens Friday May 10, part of the IGNITE! – Vancouver’s largest youth arts festival!
IGNITE! features shows in music, dance, visual arts and much more- all created by local artists between the ages of 13-24. Presented by The Cultch, May 6-11, 2013.

Let’s be Social
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Buy Us a Coffee?
Like you, we believe passionately in the transformative power of the arts. We ask you to consider making a monthly donation of $10 — for less than the price of a weekly latte, you can make the magic happen.
Every donation of $20 or more annually will receive a charitable donation tax receipt.

Keep us in the loop
If you’re involved in putting on a queer, artsy event- let us know about it!